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Author Series: Meet Diana Henderson

Can you share a little about you and your purpose in life (500 words max)

In some ways we are more connected than we have ever been throughout history. For all the online connection that we have, humanity has become more disconnected than ever before. I am passionate about building communities where peoples individuality and creativity find a space of belonging. There is a tension between digging our feet down into our roots, while at the same time reaching our arms up to embrace the new and unknown. Sometimes we must find belonging in a community before we can find acceptance in our own skin. It is these tensions and paradoxes that drive my work. In my photography I seek to help people, specifically women, to find freedom and empowerment. Our culture has fed us a very a narrow description of what a women should be and look like. I use my lens to shine a light on the beauty and power that is already there. Photography allows me to tell peoples stories and find beauty where often my subjects thought none existed. I capture the essence of my clients through artistic and emotionally engaging visual storytelling. Through this process my clients find an authentic view of what they are, and replace the stereotypes of how they think they should be. As a co-founder of The Lab Factory Co-sharing space, my business partner Donna Bates and I have been able to create a collaborative community where businesses of all sizes can work in a vibrant and supportive community. Through our not for profit, TLF Community, we have also been able to create a space where our local community can engage with each other across multiple sectors from the business world to the art world. A rising tide lifts all boats, and we have seen over and over again how one persons achievement lifts all those around them up to.

2. Did you always plan to write a book?

No, definitely not. Being an author was never something on my radar. I enjoy writing, but mostly I love storytelling. I come from a long line of storytellers, orators, and educators. When I decided to write a book it actually felt like a natural extension of what I was already doing as a photographer and speaker.

3. What are your hopes for The Origins of Creativity?

My hopes for “The Origins of Creativity” is that it will be the beginning of conversations, not the authoritative ending to them. More then anything I want to see Renaissance Communities start to develop in the unexpected places. My little suburb by the sea as a reputation of being a bit dodgy. It’s the sort of place no one expects anything great to come from. However, despite this reputation, over and over again I see amazing talent coming from the most unexpected places. I hope The Origins of Creativity is the little seeds that bloom in communities and people where no one ever thought beauty would come from.

4. What are your biggest achievements to date?

One of my greatest career highs as a photographer would be being asked to photograph the very first Aboriginal Women in Business Event in 2020. As an immigrant to Australia, it was the greatest honour to capture the stories of the incredible Aboriginal women of the Kimberley region. As a people group that has traditionally been represented as weak and needy, I was dedicated to capturing the honour and strength that exists within their communities. Such resilience and power lives in the bodies and stories of each woman, and it was humbling to be allowed to join their yarning circles for those few days. 5. A book journey, when embraced, is often so much more than an author could have dreamed of in some areas and less in others. Overall, has your book journey gone as hoped.

I’m going to be really transparent about my book journey. Each part of the journey has gone completely unexpectedly. I had my book completely finished and was ready to publish and then life had other plans. It sat untouched for 18 months on my hard drive. Then all of the sudden it was as if it was suddenly ready to be born. Within four months it went from a manuscript to the most magical book launch event. The book launch was like a dream come true. For me it was such an incredible night, and I had so much support from my community. I was ready to hit the ground running to promote this beautiful book that I had brought into the world. Six days after my book launch my family had a devastating event occur. For the next three months I pretty much had to put everything in my life on hold. We have travelled through that hard time, and I really truly believe that The Origins of Creativity will explode into readers hands in the most unexpected way. That just seems to be the personality and journey of this book.

6. What advice do you have for others who want to write and publish a book?

A wise person once said write drunk, edit sober. Those are pretty sage words. However, in all seriousness, I think the advice I would give to new authors is to write your heart. You might not have any idea of what the final book is going to be. Just start with the little piece you do have, and trust that the next little piece will show itself. Write it all, and eventually you will start to get an idea of what it's turning into. You can always edit and move words and chapters about, but that is the end game, not the beginning.

7. What is next for Diana Henderson author?

Right now I really want to promote the message of The Origins of Creativity. It feels so relevant to where we are on the world stage. I want to do my part of starting a renaissance and encouraging people to embrace their own unique creativities. I definitely have the starting pieces of another book and am waiting in anticipation to see what they become.

I can be found at for my photography.

The Lab Factory Co-sharing space can be found at

And I can also be found on Instagram @lifeasartau, Facebook@lifeasartau and


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